News Archive
November 26, 2018
remember; verb: To have in, or be able to bring to one’s mind an awareness of someone or something from the past.
The potential irony of involving our residents, who suffer from various stages of dementia, in Remembrance celebrations is not lost on us. However, it is often events from the distant past, rather then the recent past, that dementia sufferers are more readily able to recall and engage in. In this light, our residents of Clifden House Dementia Care Centre delighted in the creative project as part of the 100 year Armistice anniversary events at St Peter’s Church in Seaford.
A team of residents, supported by Art Techniques, set about creating the most amazing ceramic poppies.
Deanna, activity coordinator at Clifden House, said: “We pulled out all the stops for this project and were exceptionally lucky and thankful to Barbara Collins, from Circle Studio in Saltdean, who give us paint and also the use of her kiln to fire the ceramic poppies.”
The end result decorated St Peters Church, in Seaford earlier in November, and attracted visitors from several local schools in addition to the regular congregation.
Kay Blackburn said: “On behalf of St. Peter’s Church I am writing to thank you most sincerely for your wonderful contributions to our Remembrance Commemoration on November 11, this year. We have had very positive feedback from our congregation and visitors to the church. Interestingly many have been very surprised at the skill and creativity shown by your resident family and the beauty of the results of all your hard work.
We hope we can keep the ceramic poppies, which are stunning and can be reused each year on Remembrance Sunday.”

Remembrance 2018 Lest We Forget